Friday 30 March 2007

The Bad Cinema Lecture!!

Well what can be said about last nights lecture, in my own words it was disgusting and went against a lot of my religious values. After discussing the film with my parents, they were as disgusted as I was, I was told that I needed to go to repent my sins after watching this film. This film I'm discussing is called 'Kids' and was made by Larry Clark who was a photographer turned film maker. Some definitions that we were given at the start of the film were;

  • 'A movie about kids but not for kids'

  • 'The directorial debut of Larry Clark..... a man who makes some of the most nasty, envelope pushing films... but not for mass audience'.

To the first quote made I have to disagree, I do not class my self as a 'kid' but I felt that this film was not for me, it broke to many values that I live life by. And the second quote I'm slightly unsure whether I agree or not.

We were asked to think about the below questions;

1.How does the film deal with morals?

I felt that the film didn't think about morals as it neglected all human morals along with social and emotional moral. It accomplished this by the actions of the actors and the general story line.

2. What is its target audience?

The target audience for this film, I'm not sure what to say as I no that they allowed family's to watch it but after myself viewing it I feel that the film shouldn't of been made.

My final thoughts on this film is its nasty, disgusting and I don't want to watch it again. Larry Clark must not have had a wide imagination as why would all these beautiful girls featured in the film want to 'lose it' with a skinny ugly gimp like him?????? With this I will finish as it makes me mad!!

Monday 26 March 2007

Comment on Fran F. Weblog.

After reading Fran's masturbation post, I was left feeling 'why didn't I say that in my blog'. She gave a clear image of how the lecture went, expressing her own thoughts and feelings, whilst discussing the topic further. She used good images to display what she was discussing and also added a URL into the post. Although she hasn't made many posts, I feel that is she includes information like she has in this post than her weblog should turn out successful. Nice one Fran !!

Friday 23 March 2007

Body Modification.

In this lecture we talked about 'no invasive practice', which is basically body modification that doesn't alter your body's structure. And 'invasive practice', which is adding or removing things from your body, for example having your ears pierced.

We then discussed religious reasons for body modification and how the below listed religion have all been against the act at some stage.

  • Christianity
  • Judaism
  • Islamic

A nice quote which represents this point is

'As the body is created by god it is an attack on him to change it from its natural state'.

We then we on to look at a lot of body modification images, some of which were shocking!!! My views on this lecture are that body modification shouldn't be classed as bad unless people are forced into it, like in peer pressure or in slavery. It is a way of expressing ones personality, showing individuality, where you come from or what tribe or clan you belong to.

Tuesday 20 March 2007

Being too religious?

This weeks lecture, for me was a real bore, we started off by with the lecturer saying a prayer, which was a christian prayer that mentioned Jesus christ. This created an up rore in the lecture room with people from different backgrounds and religious groups being there. We were then given a questionaire to fill in about how the lecture started, we were given boxes to tick about how we felt, I ticked the uplifted and embarrassed boxes, this was because I felt happy about hearing a prayer form my own religion but embarassed for others who do not follow the same religion. Other people answers ranged from embarassed, annoyed and angry.

Monday 12 March 2007

My Tattoos & Piercing

I was sixteen when I had my tattoo done (above picture). I know I was wrong to have a tattoo at such an early age, but three years down the line and i still don't regret it. People say that having a tattoo hurts however all I felt was a numbing sensation and after having it done like a lot of other people I had the urge for another one!! I was only a few months old when I had my ears pierced for the first time and since then i have had then pierced around six times. You may argue that having my ears done at such an early age was not my own choice, which I would gladly agree with, however I feel that after having them pierced and re- pierced that this was my own choice. I will report later on the lectures discussion on this subject.

Friday 9 March 2007

Bandits & Outlaws

In this weeks lecture we concentrated on the subject of 'bandits' and 'outlaws'. When thinking about this topic: Robin Hood comes into mind, he was the noble man who robbed from the rich to give to the poor.

We were then asked to think about when are the bad guys, the good guys? The were divided into bandits and social bandits. Social bandits are champions of the weak. They are peasants who have fled the bonds of serfdom. These social bandits wouldn't steal form the immediate locality but from another village.

We then went on to discuss 'Jesse James', who came from a well - off family who owned their own slaves. He was a bandit with a social conscience, classed as a Weston robin hood and a political figure.

Thursday 8 March 2007

Mid - Module Evaluation

The first six weeks of 'being bad' have been quite an experience. I have enjoyed posting for the weblog and also in planning for the first assignment (due in week 7).

My favourite weekly programme so far, has to be week two's smoking lecture, as my first thought were 'here goes another why not to smoke lecture', but found that it was totally different and a lecture I really enjoyed.

I do not have any ethical issues to raise or report so far and do not have any queries sbout current or future assignments.

I feel this module has been displayed and set out efectivley and dont actually wont this module to end!!!

Wednesday 7 March 2007


During the infidelity lecture, we discussed its definition and came up with flirting, lust etc.We then had an exercise where we had to think of a film or book where infidelity took place. Then we were asked to think about the 'bad' elements involved in infidelity,which are;
  • lies

  • deceit

  • hurt

  • emotions

  • scheming

  • and knowing others vulnerability and using it!

See the link for example of reasons to stray.

Tuesday 6 March 2007

Field Trip??

After going to the 'Being Bad' lectures and discussing several different topics, I feel that a possible suggestion for a field trip could be to go to 'Star City'. My reasons for this is because at star city there is a number of activities to do which range from bars and restaurants to casinos and movies. Here I feel would help students to think about the topics which we have gone through and the topics that we will be going through, such as gambling and bad cinema. It would also create an experience for students and lecturers that have never been to star city.