Friday 23 March 2007

Body Modification.

In this lecture we talked about 'no invasive practice', which is basically body modification that doesn't alter your body's structure. And 'invasive practice', which is adding or removing things from your body, for example having your ears pierced.

We then discussed religious reasons for body modification and how the below listed religion have all been against the act at some stage.

  • Christianity
  • Judaism
  • Islamic

A nice quote which represents this point is

'As the body is created by god it is an attack on him to change it from its natural state'.

We then we on to look at a lot of body modification images, some of which were shocking!!! My views on this lecture are that body modification shouldn't be classed as bad unless people are forced into it, like in peer pressure or in slavery. It is a way of expressing ones personality, showing individuality, where you come from or what tribe or clan you belong to.