Tuesday 27 February 2007

Comment on Fran's Weblog!!

After viewing Frans weblog, she has shown me how not just to concentrate on what we have viewed in lesson but that you can add sources from outside the university. She has used relevant pictures in her posts, however she hasn't linked these posts to any websites or URLs, I wonder whether she is still looking for relevant sites or just hasn't got round to putting them on, in concluding I feel that Fran has made a brilliant start to her weblog!

Friday 23 February 2007


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Wednesday 21 February 2007

Comment on Megan's Weblog!!

After viewing Megan's weblog so far, it is clear to me that Megan has thought about what needs to go into her posts. She has also displayed each post very clearly and in a way that relates to the point she is making i.e. pictures and website links. And has the basis for a successfull weblog if she keeps the good work up!

Tuesday 20 February 2007


After watching; Peep show, 2005, Productions. During a lecture, we were asked to answer the following questions. When does a concerned interest in someones activities became stalking and are some kinds of observance allowable and appropriate.
Thinking about these questions, I personally feel that being concerned in someones interest cannot be classed as stalking. However when the person who is interested in another person and starts to copy them and follow them that it when I would class it as stalking.
Observance is allowed for research or other kinds of observation however I feel that when observation gets out of hand like constantly and for no real good reason then I would class that as stalking.


Monday 19 February 2007


After watching; Breakfast at Tiffanys, 1961, Paramount. Our lecture decided to ask us a few questions on the subject of prostitution.

These questions were; is it prostitution to take money from somone who is expecting sex, but then not to supply it ? And If it isn't prostitution then is it more socially respectable?

After thinking about these questions, to take money from someone who is expecting sex but rhen not to suply it isn't prostitution. I would say it is more likely to be known as a 'golddigger' or a 'tease'. My thoughts to the second part of the question are no this isnt more socially respectable than prostitution as it is still degrading.


Friday 16 February 2007


After watching a clip from 'breaking out is hard to do', Family Guy, 2005, Fox.

Our lecturer gave us some questions which were; is shoplifting any different to any other king of theft and why do people who can afford to buy, shoplift anyway?

My response is, no it isn't any different as it is still a form of theft. It may not be instant but it will be noticed in due course. One way it is different is it may not physically harm others unlike aggravated burglary or muggings.

Thursday 15 February 2007

Comment on Anneka's Weblog!!

Anneka has thought throughly about what needs to be published from each lecture. She has used relevent images and links which correlate to the post being issued. If she carries on like this, she will create an excellent blog which students studying the subject can relate to very well and use to assist them in there posts.

Monday 12 February 2007

Smoking Countinued

Smokers can be defined in four ways. First there is the regular smoker, occasional smoker, the 'I used to smoke', the 'I have never smoked' and as someone in the seminar shouted the passive smoker!

Did you know that per annum smokers pay a massive £19,000 to the exchequer, this is equivalent to the price of the whole police force. Or as Jeremy Clarkson says in the Sunday Times, every pound we cost the NHS, smokers give £3.60 to it.

There are many films that we discussed in our lecture that involve the use of cigarettes some listed were; pulp fiction, grease, constantine, trainspotting, die hard and basic instinct.

We also discussed a couple of organisations that are related to smoking these were; ASH - action on smoking and health and FOREST - freedom for the right to enjoy smoking tobacco.

http://www.forestonline.org/output/Page1.asp & http://www.ash.org.uk/

We then went on to discuss how smoking in Hollywood was used as a metaphor for seduction.

Friday 9 February 2007

Smoking Lecture

At first we watched a BBC documentary about the differents type of smoking. The aims of this lecture was not to increase tolerance of non smokers amoungst smokers and vica - versa. But to understand the facination of smoking and to question what makes a smoker so attractive.
We then went through the smoking statistics, apparently there are twelve million smokers in Great Britain and thirteen million ex - smokers. Of which 82% are men this was taken from statistics in 1948 but has now fallen to 28%, 45% are women this was taken from statistics from 1966 this has now fallen to 24%. The highest age range for smokers is the twenty to thirty four age group, this may be due to a higher desposible income or before the smoker starts a family, a mortgage or because they have a tendancy to be reckless .

Thursday 8 February 2007

Group Activity

Our first group activity was to introduce all the students to the subject was to think about the baddest thing, that you have ever done. Then you were asked to write it down on a piece of paper , put it back into the box a pick another one out and then in groups; work out which order they should go form the most worst to the least.In my group, the worst was 'I killed my frog' and the least was 'I gossip about my friends'. After discussion, my group came to the conclusion that what one may class as bad, another may class as normal.From this exercise, I have now started to think about what actually classes as bad and what doesn't. Do you class it as bad or good if its personal to you, or because others believe one way ov
er another?

Friday 2 February 2007

First Lecture!!

We discussed how Freud linked repression with showing real human behaviour and how selfishness is apart of human nature but this doesn't mean that human nature is selfish. We then discussed how we assume lies are bad and were then asked to question if this is right and whether there are reasons for it being good. We also started to think whether 'bad' is attractive or not, linking ideas to rock bands for example Oasis and the Rolling Stones.