Monday 12 February 2007

Smoking Countinued

Smokers can be defined in four ways. First there is the regular smoker, occasional smoker, the 'I used to smoke', the 'I have never smoked' and as someone in the seminar shouted the passive smoker!

Did you know that per annum smokers pay a massive £19,000 to the exchequer, this is equivalent to the price of the whole police force. Or as Jeremy Clarkson says in the Sunday Times, every pound we cost the NHS, smokers give £3.60 to it.

There are many films that we discussed in our lecture that involve the use of cigarettes some listed were; pulp fiction, grease, constantine, trainspotting, die hard and basic instinct.

We also discussed a couple of organisations that are related to smoking these were; ASH - action on smoking and health and FOREST - freedom for the right to enjoy smoking tobacco. &

We then went on to discuss how smoking in Hollywood was used as a metaphor for seduction.

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